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Q Academy is a social enterprise founded in 2013 that creates and implements productive, educational and enriching projects both in the cultural and new technologies fields. After the first years dedicated to theatrical education, with particular attention to the social theater and to projects of valorization of the archaeological heritage, it also gained significant experience in the field of new technologies with projects in AR and VR and in the field of applied games, those software aimed at learning and knowledge. It collaborates in the creation of RomeVideoGameLab, Festival of the applied games, produced by Cinecittà Spa, it curates digital literacy programs for children and teenagers, game jams and contest and scientific dissemination projects in collaboration with the CNR and other national research institutes.

Q Academy Impresa Sociale
sede legale:Via Salaria 174 - 00198 Roma
sede operativa: via dei Reti 23 - 00185 Roma
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VAT N. IT12544991008